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Kinetic sculpture: Machine-Nature Interface

In this series of sculptures I'm working with the idea that everything is a machine, and that there are two main types, human-made and nature-made machines.  Each piece combines natural elements, (rock-feather-plant-etc.) with human-made elements (rusty farm machinery-motors-etc.) to create the machine-nature interface. All mechanisms are exposed and understandable. In this way I hope to show that as human technology advances the difference between natural and human-made machines will decrease until they eventually blend together, and that the merging of the two is a good thing not to be feared.  

Twisted Space (2006)

Machine-Nature Interface 76 (Sand Maker) 2016

Machine-Nature Interface 59 (Flower Confuser) 2015

Machine-Nature Interface 83 (erosion) 2016

Machine-Nature Interface # 27 (Flying Rock) 2014

Machine-Nature Interface # 53 (Feather) 2015

Machine-Nature Interface # 45 (Rock Carver) 2014 (sold)

Machine-Nature Interface # 63 (tri-wing, Tree-pod) 2015

Machine-Nature Interface 81 (Earthquake Detector/Simulator) 2016

Machine-Nature Inteface # 23 (Tell Tail) 2014 (sold)

Machine-Nature Interface # 41 (Comet with Carbon Moon) 2014 

Machine-Nature Interface # 57 (Shadow Maker) 2015

Machine-Nature Interface # 56 (Pitman) 2015 (sold)

Machine-Nature Interface # 55 (Two Rock Dance) 2015 (sold)

Machine-Nature Interface # 51 (Fossil) 2015

Machine-Nature Interface # 43 (Coal Drawing Machine) 2014

Machine-Nature Interface # 21 (Wind Maker)  2013 (On loan to Wichita State University)

Machine-Nature Interface # 52 (Pods) 2015

Machine-Nature Interface # 2 (Bamboo) 2012

Machine-Nature Interface # 58 (One Rock Dance) 2015

Machine-Nature Interface # 11 (Earth Rotator) 2013 

Machine-Nature Interface #12 (Tree Wheels) 2013

Machine-Nature Interface # 34 (Sander) 2014 (sold)

Machine-Nature Interface # 3 (Rose Growing Machine) 2012

Machine-Nature Interface # 54 (Wild Rose) 2015

Machine-Nature Interface # 59 (Two Coal Drawing Machine)


Machine-Nature Interface # 1 (Air Plant Rotator) 2012

Machine-Nature Interface # 61 (chained) 2015 (sold)

© 2014 by Mike Miller Sculpture

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